Use of resources
Use of resources


Use of resources


“We invest a lot of energy in sustainable solutions”


Head of Research & Development

Head of Research & Development

As a manufacturer of personal care products, we purchase many different raw materials. The aspects of sustainability and the environmental impact of the substances used are becoming increasingly important to us.

Our trading partners are also setting stricter requirements to meet environmental criteria.

This is why our specialists are constantly focusing their research on alternative, eco-friendly solutions.

Always in our sights
sustainable resources
Specifications or statutory provisions often change and this is especially true of requirements for raw materials. It is important to be able to react quickly and find alternatives in these situations. Developing sustainable solutions is one of the main jobs of our experts in Research & Development (R&D). …
Specifications or statutory provisions often change and this is especially true of requirements for raw materials. It is important to be able to react quickly and find alternatives in these situations. Developing sustainable solutions is one of the main jobs of our experts in Research & Development (R&D). Another focus of our research is to find substitutes for substances which pollute the environment. “It is crucial to ensure that an advantage in one place does not spell disadvantage in another place,” said Head of R&D Klaus Hempel. “It does not make sense, for example, to use a new substance which is less harmful to the environment in isolation but causes a disproportionate increase in the use of energy overall.” Alternative substances are therefore also tested very thoroughly to assess their impact on the process. “We are also striving to minimise the energy used in the manufacturing process and to plan heating and cooling phases as effectively as possible,” continued Klaus Hempel. Close cooperation between R&D and quality control is a major prerequisite for fast and flexible action. “If something turns out to be disadvantageous, we change it – in case of doubt we also change the formula,” added Hempel, explaining the cross-departmental process. We respond just as quickly if, for example, customers change their specifications. “Then we research and develop new formulas until all the criteria are met to the complete satisfaction of our customers.”
Minimalism in the packaging processes
The aspect of sustainability is also ever present in the packaging section at MANN & SCHRÖDER COSMETICS. When our alkmene® brand was relaunched in 2017, all the body lotion and shampoo bottles were made from 100% recycled materials for the first time in line with its natural credentials...…
The aspect of sustainability is also ever present in the packaging section at MANN & SCHRÖDER COSMETICS. When our alkmene® brand was relaunched in 2017, all the body lotion and shampoo bottles were made from 100% recycled materials for the first time in line with its natural credentials. We also look to dispense with additional outer packaging for our products where possible (e.g. folding boxes) or to ensure that we use packaging materials with the highest possible percentage of recycled materials.


Vegetable oils are an indispensable ingredient in good body care products. We use raw materials containing palm and palm kernel oil in many of our products: they serve as emulsifiers, skin-caring ingredients, consistency agents or washing-active substances. The reason for this is the excellent physical properties of these oils and the high yield of the fruits. Of all oil-bearing fruits, the palm fruit is the most productive with an average yield of 3.5 tons per hectare. The MANN & SCHRÖDER COSMETICS GROUP promotes sustainable palm oil cultivation methods with 100 percent certified raw materials from palm/palm kernel oil.

Since 2013, we have been sourcing derivatives with Green Palm certificates to promote the sustainable cultivation of palm oil in the countries of origin. In 2017, our company was certified according to the RSPO Mass Balance** supply chain standard and we already procured half of our requirements from sustainable sources. Within just one year, we were able to make the complete switch: by 2018, all of the products we sold contained 100% certified palm oil and palm kernel oil in accordance with RSPO Mass Balance. Since then, we have been using 100% certified palm oil and palm kernel oil in all MANN & SCHRÖDER COSMETICS GROUP products.

“For us, sourcing certified raw materials from palm oil and palm kernel oil is still the most sustainable solution. In this way, we not only promote sustainable cultivation in the countries of origin, but also use oils from the most productive oil-producing plant - the oil palm. If we were to switch to other vegetable oils such as coconut or rapeseed oil, many times more acreage would be required, as the yields are much lower.”

Dr. Klaus Hempel Head of Research & Development

Palmoil Policy Download

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